We believe that it is greatly important to be an active part of the community. Ideally, each member would have its own responsibilities and contribute to the life of the community as much as he/she can or wish. Facebook pages are updated regularly giving the information about coming events. The access to Facebook group will be granted automatically as soon as you are registered as a member. Depending on the nature of the events the community guests will be invited to take part in it.
In order to become a member a certain condition has to be fulfilled.
(They were adopted at the last Annual General Meeting of the community. The minutes of the meeting is available for members by request).
The candidate should:
1. have been baptised; or is going to be baptised; or is considering to be baptised
2. be willing to participate in community life
3. be 18 years old or over
4. pay annual membership fee of £12 (this is not required for those who are doing monthly donations)
5. send a formal request to the Community Secretary (see the Contacts section for contact details) - a subscription payment is considered as a formal request.