Alexei Nesteruk


tel:    +44 (0) 2392 846 372

Place of Birth:               St. Petersburg, Russia

Date of Ordination:        16 April 2006 (London)  

Place of residence:            UK and Russia


1999 - 2001:  Research student of theology, Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge (CCE in theology).

1993 - 1995:  High Doctorate Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy, St. Petersburg  State Marine Technical University (DSc in philosophy)

1987 - 1990:  PhD student in philosophy of science at the St. Petersburg State University (part-time).

1980-1983:    PhD student in theoretical  and mathematical physics,  St. Petersburg State Technical

University  of Mechanics and Optics. (PhD in physics and mathematics)

1974-1980:  Student of physics, St. Petersburg State  University (MSc in physics).


2020 – present: Leading Research Scientist, Interuniversity Centre for Education in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, St Petersburg State Marine Technical University;

2018 – present: Visiting Research Lecturer, School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Portsmouth, UK.  

2017 – 2019,  Visiting Lecturer, Russian Christian Academy of Humanities, St. Petersburg, Russia  

1994 - 2018: Senior Research Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of  Portsmouth, UK.

2005 - 2018: Visiting Professor,  St. Andrew’s Biblical and Theological Institute,  Moscow, Russia.

2001 - 2005: Visiting Lecturer, the Institute of Orthodox  Christian  Studies, Cambridge.

1993:  Royal  Society  Postdoctoral  Fellow. Mathematical  Institute,  University  of  Oxford.

1991:  Research  Associate, Department of Physics and Chemistry. Free University  of  Brussels.

1990 – 1992: Assistant Professor of  Mathematics, University of Economics and Finance of  St. Petersburg.

1983 - 1989: Research Scientist, State  Optical Institute,  St. Petersburg.


I have been involved in research in theoretical physics, cosmology, philosophy of science and science and theology for more than 30 years. Most of my research activity is concentrated on topics in science and theology, as well as philosophy of cosmology in view of its dialogue with theology.


100 publications in cosmology, philosophy of science, and science and theology.  Three monographs on science and theology published in USA and UK.


2006: John Templeton Foundation Research Fellowship: “Towards a Neopatristic Synthesis of Theology  and Science”

2001: John Templeton Foundation Research Fellowship :  Eastern Orthodox Perspective in Science and  Theology

1997: Science and Religion Teaching Grant: lecture course on science and  theology in the University Portsmouth

1993: Royal Society Postdoctoral Fellowship: research in R. Penrose’s group in the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford